Rameen Asad
2 min readJun 3, 2021




At this point in life, I’m confident that we all know how to prevent climate

change and that is by using reusable bags, taking short showers, being

sustainable, etc. But, there is one factor that all the big environmental

companies like WWF https://wwf.panda.org/?gclid=CjwKCAjw47eFBhA9EiwAy8kzNLcm7MVLP-RMivQF59KIPUAW9pBvSq78g6yQ-ieODBJTmHQi7XYTXBoCvyAQAvD_BwE

are hiding from us and that is ANIMAL AGRICULTURE. Breeding animals for

the production of animal products is known as animal agriculture. Raising

livestock produces more greenhouse gases than the emissions of the entire

transportation sector. This means that the meat and dairy industry produces

more greenhouse gases than the exhaust of all cars, trucks, trains, boats,

planes combined. It is predicted that by 2050 the world population will be 9

billion which means that the demand for livestock will be more and it will

lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.


From their digestive process cows produce methane. Methane gas from

livestock is 86 times more destructive than carbon dioxide from

vehicles.http://www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e00.htm. Meat and animal

agriculture is indeed 10 times worse than power generation for our planet.


Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas uses 100 billion gallons of water is used

every year in the united states. However, raising livestock just in the US

consumes 34 trillion gallons of water.https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/54/10/909/230205

This much water can be used for a bulky amount of people. The reason is that

meat and dairy products are highly water-intensive because the animals are

using water-intensive grains. Did you know that one quarter-pound

hamburger requires 660 gallons of water to produce? This means that eating

one hamburger is equal to 2 months of a shower. We give more attention to

reducing our home water use yet domestic water used in the US is only 5%

and on the other hand, animal agriculture is a whopping 55% because it

takes 2500 gallons of water for one pound of beef.


Animal agriculture produces 65% of the world’s nitrous oxide gas with a

global warming potential 296 times greater than CO2 per pound. Yet all we

hear about is fossil fuels.

By the year 2040 energy CO2 emissions are expected to increase 20%. Yet

emissions from agriculture are expected to increase by 80%.

This outraging figure is due to an increase in the consumption of meat and

dairy products. Animal agriculture is responsible for 51% of human causes of

climate change.

Raising animals for food is responsible for 30% of the world’s water

consumption, occupies up to 45% of the earth’s land, is responsible for 91%

of the destruction of amazon forest, is the leading cause of ocean dead zones,

habitat destruction, and species extinction.

